Nerve pain, which is also referred to as neuralgia, is pain that follows the pathway of the nerve. It can have many different causes.
Sometimes a injury or site along the nerve pathway can be identified. There are many causes and it can be from inflammation, compression of the nerve, tissue damage from accident or surgery or tumors can cause nerve pain.
Nerve pain can cause discomfort in the face and surface of the eye. Other types of nerve pain are triggered by specific conditions, such as shingles, anemia, bacterial infections and diabetes. Chemicals such as those used in chemotherapy create nerve pain.
Neuralgia often develops into a condition called neuropathic pain. When this becomes chronic, it can cause damage to the myelin sheath that surrounds and insulates the sensory nerves or the motor nerves.
Then, just like an electrical circuit with exposed wiring, nerves that shouldn’t be communicating directly with each other cross paths and create the wrong signals being sent.
Dr. Gorgon Ko describes several case studies of chronic pain in the February 2010 “Clinical Journal of Pain.” Five patients with neuropathic pain experienced lasting relief by taking high dosages of EPA and DHA. Dosages of 2,400 to 7,200 mg a day contributed to improvements that were maintained for as long as 19 months”
It then follows that the higher the Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) content of the fish oil, the more it will nutritionally support and help your body to maintain normal nerve function.
* Average fish oil has 300 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.
* Higher Quality fish oil has 600 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.
Not all fish oils are the same. The highest quality fish oil comes from cold water fish, and the best cold water fish oil comes from the deep cold waters off the Norwegian coast. Cold water fish from deep waters have less exposure to toxins that are in the more shallow waters.
If the label does not state “cold water,” it is low quality warm water fish oil.
Omega 3 – The Missing Nutrients
800 mg EPA & 400 mg DHA
Enteric Coated – Citrus Flavor
Cold Water Fish Oil
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