So, if diabetic medications, while sometimes effective at suppressing diabetic symptoms, are not the means of successfully addressing what is causing the diabetic condition, what can be done to address the diabetic condition and the complications that often arise as a result? Here we see a summary of the most recent research into the nutritional causes of the diabetic condition:

“Carbohydrates come in two basic forms: complex and simple. Simple carbohydrates (carbs) are one, two, or at most three units of sugar linked together in single molecules. Complex carbs are hundreds or thousands of sugar units linked together in single molecules. Simple sugars are easily identified by their taste: sweet. Complex carbs, such as potatoes, are pleasant to the taste buds, but not sweet.”

“Most of our carbohydrates come from cereals and grains, both products of the agricultural revolution [which occurred only about 8,000 years ago]. Our bodies are not genetically designed to thrive on large amounts of these fiberless complex carbs. With the popularity of cereal- and grain-based “health diets,” carbohydrate metabolism has been upset in approximately 3/4 of the population which simply cannot handle this large load of carbs. Increased insulin output from the pancreas, over the years, results in hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance and hypertension, dyslipidemia [disorder of fat in the blood serum], atherosclerosis [fat buildup in the large and medium sized arteries] and heart disease.”

“Excess carbohydrates also causes generalized vascular disease. The high-carbohydrate diet which is now so popular causes the pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin, and if this happens for many years in a genetically predisposed person, the insulin receptors throughout the body become resistant to insulin. Because insulin’s action is to drive glucose into the cells, this results in chronic hyperglycemia, also called “high blood sugar.” A large portion of this sugar is stored as fat resulting in obesity. Excess insulin also causes hypertension and helps initiate the sequence of events in the arterial wall which leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease.”

“Adult onset diabetes is known to be greatly benefited by the adoption of a low carbohydrate diet, moderate in fat, which stresses the importance of a regular intake of sufficient protein. You will not hear this advice from the American Diabetes Association, (or from most doctors) since they are still operating on the research as it was twenty years ago.”

excerpted from
Carbohydrates in Nutrition by Ron Kennedy, M.D.


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