Let’s look again at what happens as you become insulin resistant.

The liver becomes resistant first, then the muscle tissue, then the fat. What is the effect of insulin on the liver? It is to suppress the production of sugar by the liver.

“The sugar floating around in your body at any one time is the result of two things, the sugar that you have eaten and how much sugar your liver has made. When you wake up in the morning it is more of a reflection of how much sugar your liver has made. If your liver is listening to insulin properly it won’t make much sugar in the middle of the night. If your liver is resistant, those brakes are lifted and your liver starts making a bunch of sugar so you wake up with a bunch of sugar.”

excerpted from a talk at the Designs for Health Institute
by Dr. Ronald Rosedale, noted Diabetic Specialist

In a book by Julian Whitaker, M.D., there is a section that covers research with insulin-dependant diabetics that explained the mechanics behind the cause of the “Dawn Phenomenon”. Though the research concerned insulin-dependant diabetics, it applies equally to non-insulin-dependant type 2 diabetics. Dr. Whitaker explains:

“Dr. Peter Campbell and his associates from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have documented that most insulin-dependent diabetics have early morning surges of growth hormone, an insulin antagonist [antagonist: a substance that counteracts the effect another substance has on the body] that regularly causes elevated blood sugar readings in the morning.”

In other words, the growth hormone reduces the force or effectiveness of the insulin the body would make in the morning, which would normally handle the high output of sugar by the liver. Also, growth hormone enhances the making of glucose by the liver, thus you have the creation of the “dawn phenomenon.”

“This phenomenon creates a problem because the early morning blood sugar level is the level most commonly used to establish the amount of insulin [or drugs] used that day. Second, if this level is high, there is a tendency to try to bring it down aggressively with larger insulin dosages [or drugs] in the afternoon or evening. This approach only worsens the problem by creating hypoglycemia.”

“The bottom line is that we should be less concerned with blood sugar levels that are elevated (150-250) in the morning unless there is a consistent elevation throughout the day.”

excerpted from Reversing Diabetes
by Julian M. Whitaker, M.D.

If you are experiencing high morning sugar levels you can turn your diabetic condition around and improve your overall health by getting onto a high protein/low carbohydrate diet, taking the correct nutritional supplements, and putting a little exercise into your life!


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