Dieting To Lose Weight?
What are the facts surrounding diet failure?
Frequently, diabetics suffer from being overweight. They often struggle with various diets in an attempt to bring this problem under control. The results are usually a lot of effort and little long-term success. The following article will shed some light on why the usual approaches to dieting lead to failures:
“As a rule, diet books are based on two assumptions about dieting. The first is that diets do not affect the speed at which the body works – the metabolic rate. The second is that the weight lost on a diet is all or almost all fat. These are not true.”
“Much of the weight lost on a diet is not fat; and any initial fast weight loss includes almost no loss of fat.”
“Initial weight loss on a diet is no mystery. The loss consists principally of glycogen (a form of glucose in a water solution), as well as additional water.”
“Diets slow down the metabolic rate.”
“In our minds we know the difference between going on a diet and being subjected to famine or starvation. But our bodies do not know the difference. When we go on a diet we activate the mechanisms in the body that protect us and preserve us in times of famine. And what does the body need to keep it going between times of famine? Fat. The more people diet the more their bodies will protect the stores of fat.”
Excerpted from Dieting Makes You Fat
by Geoffrey Cannon and Hetty Einzig
The solution to bringing one’s weight under control is to adopt an eating program suited to your body’s needs, a dietary program that more closely matches the food that our bodies evolved with, which is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet, which is high in vegetables and salads.
There are also other benefits to a low carb diet – you don’t go hungry, increased energy, cravings for sweets is gone or much less, and sometimes improved moods and mental concentration.
For Information about Low Carb Diets & Recipes