It is the “complications” that arise from the diabetic condition that cause serious damage to the body of the diabetic. In the following article we examine some medical research showing the cause and solution to one of these diabetic complications:

“Arteriosclerosis is the medical term describing hardening of the arteries. The most common form of this disease, the one that kills more Americans than any other disease, is atherosclerosis. The development of this disease follows this pattern: The inside walls of the arteries start deteriorating in their physical structure and small lesions (wounds) begin to appear. This cellular deterioration of the inner walls of the arteries is fundamentally a result of vitamin B6 deficiency.”

“If the lesions become serious enough and if there is an accompanying vitamin C deficiency (as is usually the case), capillary rupture and hemorrhaging (bleeding) begin to occur. The body then calls for a protective measure to stop the internal bleeding within the artery. This action is termed a blood clot (thrombosis), which seals off the hemorrhaging. At the site of the injury on the artery wall, dead and dying cells, white and red blood cells, continue to accumulate, and actually begin to block the artery. When this happens the blood supply is diminished, which in turn deprives the heart and the brain of life-giving blood.”

“As the injured area cells grow, they attract numerous substances, including calcium and cholesterol. While the calcium and cholesterol deposits continue to grow, they begin to form areas in the arteries called atheromos. The atheromos thicken and blood clots (thrombosis) begin to stick, resulting in a severe reduction of blood circulation to the heart and the rest of the body. As calcification continues, the arteries harden and high blood pressure ensues; circulation of the blood is then greatly diminished and a heart attack often results.”

“The initial arterial damage of lesions, hemorrhaging, blood clots and so on is first caused by specific nutritional deficiencies in the diet. Once the damaged area in the artery walls occurs, then the build-up of cholesterol as well as calcium becomes a secondary problem. But if one treats arteriosclerosis by simply reducing the dietary intake of cholesterol, or for that matter calcium, one is merely treating the symptoms and not the cause of the disease.”

“It has come to be almost an established position that if one wishes to protect against heart disease, one should avoid eating saturated fats. But the evidence shows that a high fat consumption, when accompanied by plenty of the essential nutrients which all cells need, does not cause arteriosclerosis or heart diseaseā€¦.”

Excerpted from Victory Over Diabetes
by William H. Philpott M.D. & Dwight K. Kalita Ph.D.


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