Rodeo Eggs Recipe

Ingredients: 4 slices of bacon 4 thin slices onion 4 eggs 4 thin slices cheddar cheese Instructions: Begin by frying the bacon in a heavy skillet over medium heat. When some fat has cooked out of it, push it aside and put the onion slices in, too. Fry the onion on...

French Toast Recipe

Ingredients: 1/2 bag unflavored pork rinds (3-oz bag) puffy with bland taste (not crispy) 2 eggs 1/4 cup heavy cream 3 packets Stevia 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) Instructions: Crumble the pork rinds up until they resemble bread crumbs...

Omelette Souffle Recipe

Ingredients: Yolks 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 6 packets of Stevia blend Whites 4 eggs Few grains salt Instructions: Beat yolks of eggs until lemon-colored. Add stevia & salt. Cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Butter a hot omelet pan, pour...

Irish Ham Omelet Recipe

Ingredients: 6 eggs Salt Tablespoon cream 2 ounces butter Finely minced ham Instructions: Beat 6 yolks of eggs with a pinch of salt; add the whites beaten stiff and mix with a tablespoonful of cream. Beat 2 ounces of butter in an omelet pan; add the beaten eggs and...

Eggs a la Suisse Recipe

Ingredients: 4 eggs Salt Pepper 1/2 cup cream 1 tablespoon butter Cayenne 2 tablespoons grated cheese Instructions: Heat a small omelet pan, put in butter, and when melted, add cream. Slip in the eggs one at a time, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a few grains of...